
Showing posts from June, 2017


"Like a slender pine leaning on other trees for support, I had been relying too much on those around me to shore up my self-worth." The other day I googled "pine tree LDS" because I wanted to find ways I could relate my favorite tree (it's an obsession, really) to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I came across an article on  that the Lord knew I needed to read. Not only did this article use pine trees as a metaphor, but it talked about a subject that is very prevalent in my life right now. As I've discussed before, I struggle with depression. It's something I've decided to be very open and honest about. I'm open and honest about it because so many people struggle with depression and if I can relate to or help just one person deal with their depression, then I've done what I want to do. Anyhow, we've all heard the metaphor about how pine trees stay so strong and beautiful all year long. Winter doesn't phase them, winds do...