
Showing posts from November, 2017

JUST DO IT // october 2017's lesoon

First of all... how in the h-e-double hockey sticks is it already November? This year has flown by and only seems to get faster and faster. It blows my mind how fast life moves. Like, they always tell you growing up that life goes by fast while you're sitting there feeling like it couldn't go by fast enough... but now I am only 20 years old and I need life to slow the hell down! Yes, I went there. *gasp* Anyways, if you've followed me you know that at the end of every month I look back at that month and think of something I struggled with... something that taught me a lesson... and then come up with a word or small saying that will help me remember that and hopefully help me grow and become better. This month was... "Just do it." As I have talked about before, I struggle from social anxiety. I get those nervous butterflies for just about anything, and I have let it prevent me from too many amazing experiences. At the beginning of this month I had the opport...