
Showing posts from November, 2016


"God is love." (John 4:8) // The other night I read "Abide in My Love" by Elder Todd D. Christofferson from this past conference and absolutely loved it. This talk is about how "God's love is infinite and it will endure forever, but what it means for each of us depends on how we respond to His love." I absolutely loved this talk because feeling God's love has been such an important thing in my life. God's love is what I relied on during my six months of rehab when I felt completely lost and alone. Feeling God's love is one of the most comforting things and I know that it is real. He loves us, it is something I am sure of. Elder Christofferson explains God's love and I absolutely love the words he uses to describe His love. 1. God's love is UNCONDITIONAL . 2. God's love is GREAT . 3. God's love is WONDERFUL . 4. God's love is PERFECT . 5. God's love is REDEEMING . (my favorite one) 6. God's love...


the other morning I decided to delete my twitter app from my phone. I don't know how long I'll go without twitter, maybe a few days, maybe a few weeks, but my friends all asked if I was okay when I told them that I wouldn't see any of their DM's on twitter. me deleting twitter from my phone? something must not be right. My parents and the two therapists I use to see have told me that they think I'm addicted to social media. obviously, every addiction is unhealthy . however, I never believed them. how could they understand social media when they grew up in a completely different time than me? they don't understand that social media is how I stay caught up with my "friends" and communicate with others. In my years living under my parent's roof, they would take my phone away when I was in trouble, and I would have absolutely no idea what to do with my time when I couldn't check up on tweets, posts, and snapchats, but I'd find stuff to do ...


"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." // Mosiah 2:17 My lack of paying attention during conference as well as my friend @trekthruconference 's amazing Instagram account has inspired me to make it a goal to go back and read or watch the general conference talks from this past conference throughout the next six months until general conference comes again next spring. the other night I read "'Come Follow Me' by Practicing Christian Love and Service" by Elder Robert D. Hales and was blown away by the spiritual truth and guidance in this talk. this talk focuses on how as the Savior's latter-day disciples, we must come unto Christ by loving and serving God's children. Matthew 25:40 expresses that "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." From personal experience, I know that it is so important to show kindness to others. it...