"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." // Mosiah 2:17

My lack of paying attention during conference as well as my friend @trekthruconference's amazing Instagram account has inspired me to make it a goal to go back and read or watch the general conference talks from this past conference throughout the next six months until general conference comes again next spring. the other night I read "'Come Follow Me' by Practicing Christian Love and Service" by Elder Robert D. Hales and was blown away by the spiritual truth and guidance in this talk.

this talk focuses on how as the Savior's latter-day disciples, we must come unto Christ by loving and serving God's children. Matthew 25:40 expresses that "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." From personal experience, I know that it is so important to show kindness to others. it is our duty to love and serve others. There have been several moments in my life that the only thing that kept me going was the way someone reached out to me and picked me up. Elder Hales goes on to talk about five different things we can all do to help us serve others.

1. It starts at HOME. In our homes, we need to be serving each other. It's the best place to practice with the people we love the most but sometimes get very angry with. I've been so blessed to have parents that are amazing examples of serving in and outside of the home.
2. PRAYER and SCRIPTURE STUDY. Elder Hales pleads parents to hold prayer and scripture study. It's so important and places a very much needed feeling in the home. However, some of my most testimony-building moments have been while I was alone, having personal prayer and scripture study. Whether it's with family or alone, this is such an important step in having Christlike love to give to others!
3. MISSIONARY WORK. "Every member a missionary." You don't need to serve a full-time mission to serve a mission... if you know me, you know this is a belief I am very strong about. Full-time missionaries are amazing, amazing, amazing! But, everyone can be a missionary. Sharing my testimony or favorite scriptures with others has been something I find simple. However, something as simple as smiling at someone is a form of missionary work.
4. PRAY FOR GUIDANCE. Elder Hales reminds us to, in humble prayer, ask God what we can do to help others. It can be much more effective to ask God to help you know how to serve someone than by simply asking God to help someone. This is something I had never thought of and something I'm going to work on!
5. REMEMBER HIM. acknowledge Christ in your everyday experiences. Notice His hand in the little things. As you notice how much He is really helping you and show gratitude for His help, you will be inspired to show more and more Christlike love to others. acknowledging Him will also help others notice His work and can bring others unto Him.

I know that following these steps with a sincere heart and serving others can bring us closer to Jesus Christ. I love this gospel so much and am so grateful for the impact it has had on me. the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints truly saved my life.

let's get out and serve others! We can do this! I hope you all have a fabulous week!

xoxo, Kelvin McKay Findlay

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