THREE THINGS ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS according to sister findlay

Last month I wrote my amazing sister Avenlea (pictured above [on the right] currently Sister Findlay, serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Chesapeake, Virginia) a letter, explaining to her how I was feeling distant from God, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit. I asked her for advice. She reminded me of three things that I should do. I have always known that I need to do these things, but I am constantly needing reminders, because I am so so so far from perfect. So, without any further remarks, here are three things essential to happiness (according to Sister Findlay):

  1.  Prayer. Praying is so important. It is how we communicate with God, our Heavenly Father. Praying will strengthen our relationship with God.
  2. Scripture Study. Reading the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon is an essential key in finding happiness. As we read the scriptures, we will learn so much more about Jesus Christ, His life, and His example. Studying the scriptures will strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ.
  3. Obedience. Obeying every single one of the commandments. I struggle with grabbing a drink on the Sabbath or cursing when I'm in a bad mood (two of my smallest mistakes) and I know not doing these things and following the commandments will bring me happiness. As we are obedient, our relationship with the Holy Ghost will be strengthened.

Sister Findlay went on to say "As you do these things, you WILL feel closer to your Father in Heaven and your relationship with your Savior will deepen. McKay, Jesus Christ loves you. Heavenly Father loves you. They aren't far away, but it is up to us to feel close to them. It is ALWAYS up to us."

I know that these words that Sister Findlay wrote to me are true, and I'm so thankful for the simple yet powerful reminder to do these things. I know that as I do these things, and if you do these things, we will be happier. Now, go do these three things, and other amazing things, and change the world!

Xoxo, Kelvin "McKay" Findlay

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