First off, I absolutely cannot believe that this month is already over. It has seriously gone by way too fast. Second off, this post gets a little personal. I hope if you choose to read this, you'll try to see things from the Savior's point of view.

April 2017 was a pretty dang good month. I made new friends and reconnected with old friends - and it has just been gooood. I made the most of my last month in St George, Utah and made some fun memories. So, overall, this month has been really good. But, don't get me wrong, this month also had it's hard days, and this time around it was all self-inflicted. I made some decisions this month that has certainly brought me some regrets, but I've also learned so much from these mistakes. And, in the long run, I think I'm glad that I did some things I typically wouldn't do, because they helped remind me who I am, what I stand for, and who I want to be.

I actually was struggling figuring out what quote/saying I wanted to use for this month's "lesson," until the other night. I was lying in bed, just listening to music (that's what I do when I can't sleep) and soaking up lyrics. Doing this inspires me and reenergizes me, which was something that I was in desperate need of. Anyways, I was listening to my favorite albums from high school (Neon Tree's "Pop Psychology," Foxes' "Glorious") and now, Katy Perry's "Prism." The infamous single "Roar" started playing. In the very beginning of the song Katy Perry sings:

"I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything."

And, I was like, "That's it. That's my lesson this month." (Of course, I changed it up a bit so it sounded a bit more like a saying.) It was exactly what I needed to hear. It was exactly what I had been struggling with. I started asking myself, "What DO I stand up for?" and "DO I stand up for my beliefs?" It was so crazy, and it hit me like a bunch of bricks. I know exactly what I want to be standing up for and I know what my beliefs are - so why was I not standing up for them? Why was I letting people walk all over my beliefs? Why am I not being a true disciple of Jesus Christ?

I was talking to my friend about it and my friend, such an amazing friend (by the way) told me it really didn't make sense that I'm constantly posting about my faith in Jesus Christ if I was going to - even though it was just a few times - going to make decisions that did not go hand in hand with the teachings of Jesus Christ. And this friend was so right. My friend saying this, Katy Perry's lyrics (iconic), and my true love for Jesus Christ and His Gospel have inspired me to work harder to stand up for what I believe... not just when I feel like it - not just when it is easy - but always.

I am not perfect. I am so far from perfect (obviously) but there's one thing I know: That Jesus Christ, who is perfect, is always willing to let us back into His loving arms, no matter how far we have strayed or no matter what decisions we have made.

I am so so SO grateful for Jesus Christ and His gospel. I am also so grateful for God, our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful to know that these two amazing men love and accept me no matter what. Because of them, I always have two people to rely on, and whenever I need to. Anyways, I encourage everyone to find out what YOU stand for (that you believe is good) and STAND FOR IT. The world needs more people standing for good and only good.
You guys all inspire me so much - thanks for always listening, letting me get personal, accepting me, believing in me, and pushing me to be better! I love you all!

Xoxo, Kelvin "McKay" Findlay

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