"Behond, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive, and blessed are those who come unto me." (3 Nephi 9:14) // The other night I read "The Master Healer" by Carole M. Stephens. This  talk explains how "you don't have to experience the sorrow caused by sin, the pain caused by others' actions, or the painful realities of mortality - alone." Reading this talk brought me much needed comfort.

Carole M. Stephens talks about how the Savior is the center of the plan of happiness. His Atonement is what has made it possible for us to achieve real joy. It's because of Him that we can experience real joy, regardless of all the crap we go through here on earth. (That isn't really crap at all, because it shapes us into who we are and helps us get closer to being more like Him.) If we want to take full advantage of the joy and comfort that Christ can bring us, we must have a testimony of Him as the bedrock of our lives. It took me several years to really gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and I still waiver and am completely unsure of several things. However, I know that He has brought me joy and happiness. That simple statement is something I can testify. I know that the times in my life where I have followed Him have brought me so much more happiness than the times where I have not. I know that it is so important and something we all need in our life. Elder Dale G. Renlund once said, "Regardless of perceived differences, all of us are in need of the same infinite Atonement." That statement is so true.

Following God's commandments is so hard sometimes. In my life I've asked myself several times, "Is it really worth it to give up my worldly wishes for God?" And the answer is always an astounding yes. The amount of happiness that comes from following God's commandments is much greater than any amount of happiness this world can imitate. Carole M. Stephens says in her talk that as we follow His commandments and strive to be more like Him, our love for Him grows.
I promise you - there is nothing like the bond that comes from feeling His love, and, loving Him back. One thing that helps me follow God's commandments is the fact that God's commandments are there to help us. Each of His commandments has a reason. So, how can following Him bless us? In particular, how can following Him help us through the hardships this life holds for us?

1. He has the power to CHANGE OUR HEARTS. Because of His Atonement, we can be relieved from the sorrow caused by sin. Because Christ experienced our pain, He can relate to us and knows exactly how to help us.
2. He can give us give us COMFORT when we experience pain because of the unrighteous actions of others.
3. He can COMFORT us when we experience mortality. He is there for us through disasters, mental illness, death, chronic pain, etc. Struggling with anxiety and depression throughout my life, I know that He is there for us. I always say that His church saved my life - and it did.

Two of those used the word comfort. That is so amazing, because comfort is exactly what we need in this life. He is always there for us. If you take anything away from this talk, please remember that you don't have to carry pain, alone, no matter. what. // "For we have not come this far save it were by the world of Christ with unshaken faith in Him." 2 Nephi 31:19

xoxo, Kelvin McKay Findlay

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