
JUST DO IT // october 2017's lesoon

First of all... how in the h-e-double hockey sticks is it already November? This year has flown by and only seems to get faster and faster. It blows my mind how fast life moves. Like, they always tell you growing up that life goes by fast while you're sitting there feeling like it couldn't go by fast enough... but now I am only 20 years old and I need life to slow the hell down! Yes, I went there. *gasp* Anyways, if you've followed me you know that at the end of every month I look back at that month and think of something I struggled with... something that taught me a lesson... and then come up with a word or small saying that will help me remember that and hopefully help me grow and become better. This month was... "Just do it." As I have talked about before, I struggle from social anxiety. I get those nervous butterflies for just about anything, and I have let it prevent me from too many amazing experiences. At the beginning of this month I had the opport...


"Like a slender pine leaning on other trees for support, I had been relying too much on those around me to shore up my self-worth." The other day I googled "pine tree LDS" because I wanted to find ways I could relate my favorite tree (it's an obsession, really) to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I came across an article on  that the Lord knew I needed to read. Not only did this article use pine trees as a metaphor, but it talked about a subject that is very prevalent in my life right now. As I've discussed before, I struggle with depression. It's something I've decided to be very open and honest about. I'm open and honest about it because so many people struggle with depression and if I can relate to or help just one person deal with their depression, then I've done what I want to do. Anyhow, we've all heard the metaphor about how pine trees stay so strong and beautiful all year long. Winter doesn't phase them, winds do...


First off, I absolutely cannot believe that this month is already over. It has seriously gone by way too fast. Second off, this post gets a little personal. I hope if you choose to read this, you'll try to see things from the Savior's point of view. April 2017 was a pretty dang good month. I made new friends and reconnected with old friends - and it has just been gooood. I made the most of my last month in St George, Utah and made some fun memories. So, overall, this month has been really good. But, don't get me wrong, this month also had it's hard days, and this time around it was all self-inflicted. I made some decisions this month that has certainly brought me some regrets, but I've also learned so much from these mistakes. And, in the long run, I think I'm glad that I did some things I typically wouldn't do, because they helped remind me who I am , what I stand for , and who I want to be . I actually was struggling figuring out what quote/sayin...


Last month I went to Meadow Hot Springs  in Meadow, Utah (it's really close to Fillmore). I had heard about these hot springs that are, literally, in the middle of nowhere , but I wasn't positive about how it would all work out. I was worried that they didn't really exist and that, if they did, I would be trespassing to get to them. Anyway, I plugged Meadow Hot Springs into the Google Maps app, and sure enough, it led me right there. Let me just tell you, I am absolutely obsessed with these hot springs. There are three total hot springs. The first two I drove past already had several people there, so I went to this one, which only had one other dude already swimming around in it. He asked me if I had ever been to them before, I told him no, and he continued to tell me that this pool was the least warm of the three, but it was still really nice. (Note: this was in March in Utah, so it was pretty chilly outside!) Anyways, I changed into my swimming trunks and jumped in t...

THREE THINGS ESSENTIAL TO HAPPINESS according to sister findlay

Last month I wrote my amazing sister Avenlea (pictured above [on the right] currently Sister Findlay, serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Chesapeake, Virginia) a letter, explaining to her how I was feeling distant from God, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit. I asked her for advice. She reminded me of three things that I should do. I have always known that I need to do these things, but I am constantly needing reminders, because I am so so so far from perfect. So, without any further remarks, here are three things essential to happiness (according to Sister Findlay) :   Prayer . Praying is so important. It is how we communicate with God, our Heavenly Father. Praying will strengthen our relationship with God. Scripture Study . Reading the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon is an essential key in finding happiness. As we read the scriptures, we will learn so much more about Jesus Christ, His life, and His example. Studying the scriptures ...

DEC 18

"Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead - a lot of it." // Jeffrey R. Holland December 18 will always have a special place in my heart. December 18, 2015 was the day I graduated my program at West Ridge Academy. I can't believe it has already been one whole year. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the life changing experience I had there and the amazing people I met there. And, today I thought about it a little bit more than normal. I'm so thankful for second chances, help, forgiveness, and love. I'm so thankful for professional therapists who have great hearts, for the amazin g staff at west ridge, for my friends, my family, especially my parents, and a loving Heavenly Father and Savior. Today I'm so thankful for the three dudes in the picture who have taught me more than anyone else. The past year has not been easy and I've had to continually work on everything I learned at rehab. But, ...


"Behond, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive, and blessed are those who come unto me." (3 Nephi 9:14) // The other night I read  "The Master Healer" by Carole M. Stephens . This  talk explains how "you don't have to experience the sorrow caused by sin, the pain caused by others' actions, or the painful realities of mortality - alone." Reading this talk brought me much needed comfort. Carole M. Stephens talks about how the Savior is the center of the plan of happiness . His Atonement is what has made it possible for us to achieve real joy. It's because of Him that we can experience real joy, regardless of all the crap we go through here on earth. (That isn't really crap at all, because it shapes us into who we are and helps us get closer to being more like Him.) If we want to take full advantage of the joy and comfort that Christ can bring us, we must have a testimony of Him as the bedroc...